
Your business should be regularly checking your reviews to be aware of what customers have been saying about it. As a travel business owner this can be difficult, due to your busy schedule and many customers. TripAdvisor has been known to delete comments if you have recently renovated your property, the review violates their guidelines, or if the review was fraudulent. Although you personally cannot delete TripAdvisor reviews, you should respond to all reviews in a timely manner. Whether the review is good or bad, true or false, you need to try and satisfy your clientele’s complaint or thank them for their compliment. Reviews are time sensitive, after three months people typically will no longer read the review. The bad review is still important and you should work to make that client happy and fix the issue for future reviews. One of your main priorities should be working to gather as many positive reviews as possible – it has been proven that many positive reviews will outweigh the negative reviews. Using ReviewPoint can help manage these issues and increase positive feedback.

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